It’s been about a week since I haven’t made a post. I was really busy, so I was nowhere near my computer. I’m back now and will be doing two posts a week again, Thank you for staying tune and I hope to bring more creative and useful posts. Here is a great start for a new post 10 Signs Of a Bad Client You Should Drop. I know many of you have had a client that you didn’t enjoy working with, but it was too late to drop the client. Read this list of signs that show you the clients that you can drop before starting the project. I hope you enjoy this post.
Phone meeting or in person:
You should get an impression of the client in the first meet-up. I think this is the best time to get to know your new client. One thing that makes for a bad client is when their ideas sound like something from the 90′s, like gif images that move around the page, ugly background colors, and we can’t forget the use of really big, colorful fonts because this client wants the user to clearly the main font. If every idea you present to the client gets rejected, then that’s a sure sign of a bad client. Don’t get me wrong, it’s okay for a client to say no to ideas, but every idea is a different story. By this time, you should be planning your exit.
No supplies:
No Supplies is a good way of saying the client can’t get vital items to you on time. Half of the time, you’re taking a website from point A to point B, but there are material a client will need to give you to finish the project on time. We are talking content, images, the hosting, and so on. I feel this one is important because freelance designers normally want to finish a project on a set date. Every day after is just losing money. If losing money is not a bad sign, then what is?
To picky:
When you hand in your initial mock ups to your client, and they just say they hate it. Honest feedback is great, but there is a line that you shouldn’t cross. Once a client crosses the line, it’s time for you to call it quits for this project. If you don’t, you will just have a client that complains too much and will never be happy with your work. This can discourage you and make you think you’re not good at designing, which is not true. You just have a client that will never be satisfied, so move on to the next client.
Payment Not on Time:
After working hard, day and night, making the perfect website for your client, it is now time to pay. You’re calling and emailing, but the client is not getting back to you. You send out an invoice, 30 days pass, and no sign of your check in the mail. You’re also stuck with a website that you can’t sell or use because it was a specific design for this client. If the client can’t pay you online or in person, this is a major sign to not to work with this client again. If you have trouble getting the 50% upfront, just move on to a new client.
Making Changes:
This one is 50/50 with me, but I think some clients take it overboard with changes. Sometimes, you make so many changes that in the end, you have a completely different website. Now, you’ve designed two websites for the price of one. A client that asks for too many changes is not good to work with because you never have time to move on to another project (you will be making changes for a 100 years). The best way to take care of this problem is to set up a contract that tells the client they are entitled to make a certain amount of changes or whatever you feel works best for you.
Doesn’t Keep to the Contract:
A very important rule that many designers, including me, don’t do at some point is to set up a contract with the client. If you don’t make a contract, they will always want to add new things as you go. You’re asking for big trouble when a client requests round after round, revisions with new requests each time. In the end, you’re the one losing. This one is for sure, a bad sign.
Really Cheap:
At one point, we all worked for a low wage because we needed the money. A client that tries to talk down the price is not a client that you want to work with. First of all, you will be doing a lot more work than you are getting paid for. It’s not worth it. You’re also going to have trouble getting paid from a client like this. For example, some clients would say: ”Come on, that price is too much for what I want you to do. It’s really easy!” If it’s so easy, then do it yourself.
Not in Touch much:
One of the best ways to get a project done on time is with great communication. If it takes a client longer than 3 days to return your phone call or emails, this is definitely not a good sign. I’m not talking about having a 2 hour talk, but just keeping them up to date with the project and you might have some questions along the way too. If there is no communication from the start, there will be problems in the end.
Making Them self at Home:
Always be professional when you’re with a client. Some clients get unprofessional quickly. It is okay to be friendly with your client because that’s what got you the project in the first place. Some clients like to bad mouth their past designers or just talk unprofessionally about others. So just remember you will be that old designer at one point. Would you want someone talking about you like that?
No Idea:
It’s safe to say that 90% of clients know what they want for a website, but the remaining 10% have no idea what they want. This can quickly become an issue for you. Getting a client that has no idea will really take a lot out of you. Try to walk away without leaving a trail. This client will be all over the place when ideas do start coming in.